The iS Clinical Blog

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SPF in Winter
Acne Treatment Ageing Skin Nighttime Skincare Routine Seasonal Skincare Regimes

SPF in Winter

In the modern industry, experts and physicians are well versed on how and why forgoing SPF is the most damaging error a consumer can make.

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Teen vs. Adult Acne
Acne Treatment

Teen vs. Adult Acne

Acne can be managed and lessened with a good homecare regimen. It is important to support the skin and aid epidermal turnover without being too...

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Elevate Your Skin with iS Clinical Professional Facial Treatments
Acne Treatment

Elevate Your Skin with iS Clinical Professional Facial Treatments

Regular visits to a skilled aesthetician for a professional facial can provide tremendous, short and long-term benefits to the health of your skin and overall...

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Tips to Stay Healthy When Working from Home

Tips to Stay Healthy When Working from Home

Set aside a few times each day to turnoff your phone, turn off the news, ignore your emails and do something tactile, whether it’s heading...

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Seasons Change & So Should Your Skincare
Seasonal Skincare Regimes

Seasons Change & So Should Your Skincare

The Seasons of Life Other changes to which individuals must adapt are the changing seasons of life. As a someone approaches any major life changes,...

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Product Spotlight: Poly-Vitamin Serum
Ageing Skin Nighttime Skincare Routine

Product Spotlight: Poly-Vitamin Serum

With a unique combination of ingredients, you can achieve penetrating hydration benefits, micro circulation stimulation, light exfoliation, antioxidant powers and age-defying properties.

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Key Skincare Ingredient: Titanium Dioxide
Key Ingredients

Key Skincare Ingredient: Titanium Dioxide

In the realm of iS Clinical skincare products, uncompromising commitment to quality and efficacy is exemplified by the inclusion of titanium dioxide, a mineral marvel...

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Key Skincare Ingredient: Witch Hazel
Key Ingredients

Key Skincare Ingredient: Witch Hazel

Among the array of ingredients, Witch Hazel stands out as a remarkable botanical marvel, playing a pivotal role in the creation of transformative products. Join...

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Key Skincare Ingredient: Superoxide Dismutase (SOD)
Key Ingredients

Key Skincare Ingredient: Superoxide Dismutase (SOD)

In the world of skincare, some ingredients stand out as true heroes. Superoxide Dismutase, or SOD, is one such powerhouse. Let's dive into the world of...

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